The Constitution is a Joke
The Senate voted today, 60 to 40, in a show of
faith and duty to their oath of office, to protect the Constitution,
and defend the First Amendment protection of a Free Press, by enacting
a law that will suspend the Constitution 60 days before an election.
The want to require anyone who has something bad to say, about any
Senator running for office, to first register with the Federal
Government, and to prevent them from expressing their views to their
fellow citizens using Television or Radio advertisements, but allowing
them to use newspapers.
Mark 3/20/2002 |
Undermining the Constitution
In a March 29, 2002 New
York Times Op-ed piece (Undermining the New Campaign Law) Lawrence
Nobel and Paul Sanford complain that The Federal Election Commission
"is particularly feckless in cases involving prominent candidates
and political parties, to the point where candidates and parties feel
free to violate both the letter and the spirit of the law with little
fear of being held accountable."
Did you catch it? This pair claims to be concerned about "both
the letter and the spirit of the law"!
What a laugh riot. Nothing runs further from the "Letter and
Spirit" of the Constitution than the campaign finance legislation
that President Bush reluctantly signed into law.
Larry and Paul make a buck or two pushing for campaign finance legislation.
Lawrence Noble is the executive director of the Center
for Responsive Politics and former general counsel of the Federal
Election Commission. Paul Sanford is the director of the Center's F.E.C
Watch project and a former F.E.C staff attorney.
Larry and Paul want anyone who seeks to criticize a Senator running
for re-election to "register" with a government worker
And yet they have the sheer nerve to mention the "Letter and
Spirit" of the law!
Mark 3/31/2002 |

Getting on the Freeway... |
... How Special! |

Who decides
what a "Compelling State Interest" is anyway?

Are you smarter than a tree stump?
The Stock Market is falling and the politicians
are to blame?
If you believe politicians are to blame, then you
are smarter than a tree stump. The market is falling because
greedy rich people refused to pay inflated prices for certain
stocks. If they would just pay the higher prices every one would be
happy. We need a law making it a felony for any one to offer a lower
price for a stock. We need politicians to enact this law, before the
senior citizens are forced to eat out of dented, half off, cans of
dog food. The fear of Prison, you know, doing hard time with
Bubba, will fix the market!
The Stock Market is falling for the same reason,
the market for Beanie Babies, Baseball Cards, or Princess Diane Ash
Trays crashed.
Among all the jabber of the "new
economy" and the "old rules don't matter any more"
there were some voices who said the following. The
reason for the rising price of stocks is that there are too
many dollars chasseing too few stocks. Just as there was a run on
Beanie Babies, Baseball Cards or Princess Diane Ash Trays. There was
a big disconcert between the Stocks and the companies they
represented. Who would believe that an internet chat service was
worth more than General Motors?
Wise investors or marks for a Ponzi scheme?
Think about it, someone sells you a piece of
paper with some fancy printing on it, and others will give you money
just because you own it! No risk, no muss, no fuss. Only a fool
would work!
Politicians talk about the need for
"confidence" in the market. I disagree. The market needs
healthy skepticism, to fairly evaluate the risks of investing. The
only venture I can think of that needs confidence is the old con of
Confidence Games.
Mark 7/23/2002 |

It is just too bad that Cunningham's head was smashed with a rock,
he was stabbed twice with a steak knife and his throat was cut with a
butcher knife.
Thank God that contempt of court charges against Wayne County and it's
the Director of Jails were not filed, as the charges would
constitute a true tragedy.
William Franz Koss was released from the Wayne County Jail, to be able
to commit the murder, because a Wayne County Judge, did not want
inmates in the jail to be uncomfortable.
A special thanks should go to the Wayne County voters for
electing such a warm hearted Judge!
Mark 4/7/02 |

My Favorite Muslim! |

Do you think that the First Man who saw lightening, was believed,
when he tried to tell others about it? |

Gardner Signs has a flag problem.

A first grade teacher explains to her class that she is a
liberal Democrat.
She asks her students to raise their hands if they were liberal Democrats
Not really knowing what a liberal Democrat was but wanting to be
like their teacher, their hands explode into the air like fleshy
There is, however, one exception. A girl named Lucy has not gone along
with the crowd.
The teacher asks her why she has decided to be different.
"Because I'm not a liberal Democrat."
"Then," asks the teacher, "what are you?"
"Why I'm a proud conservative Republican," boasts the little girl.
The teacher is a little perturbed now, her face slightly red.
She asks Lucy why she is a conservative Republican.
"Well, I was brought up to trust in myself instead of relying on an
intrusive government to care for me and do all of my thinking.
My Dad and Mom are conservative Republicans, and I am a conservative
Republican too."
The teacher is now angry. "That's no reason," she says loudly. "What if
your Mom was a moron, and your dad was a moron. What would you be then?"
A pause, and a smile. "Then," says Lucy, "I'd be a liberal Democrat."

An Independence Day Thought on FREEDOM!
Educating everyone is difficult. Comprehending for some
is very difficult.
History is simply not taught to our younger generation.
They fear nothing because they don't know enough to recognize what to
They clearly want to control others, yet they don't know by controlling
others you give up your own rights.
Yes, a crowded civilization needs rules but we are giving up too many
rights to remain free!
The above passage was found in a
Sandpoint Forum, thanks "IamU" |
Tom and Independence
If we run into such debts as that we must be taxed in our
meat and in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors
and our amusements, for our callings and our creeds, as the people of
England are, our people, like them, must come to labor sixteen hours in
the twenty-four, and give the earnings of fifteen of these to the
government for their debts and daily expenses;
And the sixteenth being insufficient to afford us bread, we must live, as
they do now, on oatmeal and potatoes, have no time to think, no means of
calling the mismanagers to account; but be glad to obtain subsistence by
hiring ourselves to rivet their chains around the necks of our fellow
And this is the tendency of all human governments. A departure from
principle in one instance becomes a precedent for a second, that second
for a third, and so on 'til the bulk of the society is reduced to be mere
automatons of misery, to have no sensibilities left but for sinning and
And the forehorse of this frightful team is public debt. Taxation follows
that, and in its train wretchedness and oppression.
~Thomas Jefferson
The Voters in California elected their Governor and their
Legislature. These folks instituted a flawed de-regulation plan. The
flawed plan reflected the "Will" of the voters. Build new plants any where
but in California.
The fault lies with the Voters. That is what "Self Government" is all
Isn't it amazing that people who are too stupid to figure out how to
register vote (Motor Voters), or need a "Holiday" to arrange their
schedule to allow them to vote (cant make an extra effort to vote in other
words), are expected to make intelligent decisions (elect an intelligent
government), and when they don't, the VOTERS ARE PORTRAYED AS THE VICTIMS.
California whining indeed!
7/19/01 |
A Hero on Fathers Day

letter to one of the Assailants

Government Workers at their best!

How to Be a Democrat

"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by
subduing the freedom of speech."
Benjamin Franklin
Campaign Finance Reform Anyone?

JoAnn McGuckin - The Idaho Hero

state needs to learn its place -- and that is not in family business. I
do not accept the charges to begin with. It will be up to them to
explain their behavior to everyone because it affects us all. May the
public demand some answers as well.
"May the family be protected forever and ever. May they
(authorities) be punished for their imposition, but may affairs of the
heart be the purview of love within the house and may they never be
"The Constitution of the United States of
America supports this premise..."
McGuckin |

What really killed Timmy!
Before the Government Workers showed up for their first
assault on Waco, the media was there waiting for the "Show" to begin.
Government workers did not care about any children living there, they had
the BAFT budget in mind, that is why the media was invited in the first
Think about the children who died under the Jackboot of Clinton/Reno.
Now we are supposed to care about children of these Government Workers?
I care as much as the Government Workers who first plotted the Media Event
at Waco did. |
Birds of a Feather
A remorseless Timothy McVeigh calls the children killed in the
Oklahoma City bombing "collateral damage," regretting only
that their deaths detracted from his bid to avenge Waco and Ruby Ridge,
according to a new book.
Veronica (Roni) Bowers, 35, and her daughter Charity, 7 months, were
just "collateral damage" when gun downed by Government Workers
playing at their "War on Drugs"

And so what if there is some "collateral damage" as Tim
McVeigh has said, one must keep one's eye on the prize.
Before the Government Workers showed up for their first assault on
Waco, the media was there waiting for the "Show" to
Government workers did not care about any children living there, they
had the BAFT budget in mind -- that is why the media was invited in the
first place.
Prize is funding for "Government Workers" From D.A.R.E. to
county jails, to the sky's of Peru.
I am sure that Government Workers regret only that the deaths from
Waco to Peru detract from their bid to wallow unnoticed in the public trough.

a blind eye toward dogfighting desensitizes society to brutality that
too often is a stepping stone to violence against humans." So
claims the Detroit Free Press.
Thank goodness abortion is
so accepted, that abortion is not a brutal assault on the
pre-born, that abortion teaches human life should not be wasted and most
importantly thank goodness that abortion does not bother the Detroit
Free Press as much as some dogs fighting. |

Clinton said that there "isn't a single, solitary
shred of evidence that I did anything wrong."
This must mean he is innocent. |

Note: If you make a mistake, return your ballot card and
--Voting instructions, Palm Beach County, Florida
Wednesday,December 13,2000
Since the abolition of literacy tests for voters, there
is one de facto remaining test: The ability to follow instructions and
clearly use a stylus to make a hole in a punch card ("Wait of the
World," Dec. 12).
All of this agony and waste and argument revolves around a tiny
fraction of voters who are stupid.
The courts should just stand up and say the obvious - we are not
going to protect you from being stupid. Next time follow instructions.
100 million other citizens did vote correctly.
Bruce Kowal
Bayonne, N.J.
"Every writer, scribbler, Internet Paul Revere, talker, pundit,
thinker, essayist, voice: Come forward and speak the truth. Howl it.
We must point out what needs be pointed out again and again and not
ducked or hidden: The Clinton-Gore operatives are trying to steal the
election--and it is wrong."
Peggy Noonan |

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot
the courage to change the things I cannot accept
and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill today
because they pissed me off. |

A belated Happy Earth Day story! or Recycling
don't you just love it?

An American Story
Gleaned from the net:
America (in theory), only guarantees three universal
truths: a universal right to personal freedom, a universal right to
justice, and universal right to acquire and accumulate personal property.
It protects your right to work meaningfully to achieve these goals. The
founding fathers of this country NEVER intended redistribution of personal
property as a desirable goal of this nation

Ben Franklin when he said,
"Those who are willing to give up a little liberty for a little
security shall have neither liberty nor security."

Word of the day from a 1925 US History textbook
From Webster's
-- Date: 1586: lacking courage and resolution :
marked by contemptible timidity

It is no wonder that the
Clintons Bombed the Chinese Embassy! |
White House Map (Note position of Kentucky) |

Secretary Bruce Babbitt's report
on the Los Alamos fire, is a
farce. Want to know why the fire was set in such a reckless way? The answer
is simple. You have government employees burning someone else's property. If
a private land owner was of a mind to torch his own property he might check
the weather report. As the Federal land grab continues, people in its course
would be well advised to buy some fire insurance.

Do You Know

columns from Vazsonyi
A Civil
Discussion about this article updated May 25, 00

Isn't a Good Time to be a White Male in America

is a holiday to celebrate traffic and congestion."

This article came out last month in Reason magazine, because
it was in the July issue it was not posted until now. His ideas are quite interesting.
I would suggest printing up this interview, and plow thru it, (some parts are
less interesting...)
the Therapeutic State
Thomas Szasz on the medicalization of American life.


Click on me to learn more! |

The other day (in the last June of the 20th century) I came across a Canadian who had a Y2K book for
sale at a bait shop, (Y2K is shorthand for an ancient belief that the world would
end when the date changes).
When questioned about the book, he informed me that Y2K is
happening now, pointing to the high price of gas.
I responded, "The problem is not Y2K it is the EPA!
supplies affect gas prices. |
Government Workers at the EPA set policies that shaft the
little guy... so says Congressional
Report! |
blames EPA for gas price increases
Looks like the
Washington Times moved the story

When the
scouts were spotted, delegates quickly constructed signs that read "We
Support Gay Boy Scouts." As the troop marched onto the stage, delegates up
front started booing.
The delegates' behavior was reprehensible, but not surprising from a party that
no longer sees people, even kids, as individuals, but rather as members of
political groups. The delegates were blind to the fact
Low-Road Politics

(It really is pretty short)

The Justice Department rolls on and on...
At oral
arguments before the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago, US Attorney Metzler said twice that an uncontrolled
church is untenable in society today.
If you trust Clintons/Gores/Renos/Government workers, you must fear
freedom. What other reason can there be? |

Microsoft Debacle Explained
The point of the Tenth Amendment is not, as is usually said,
to protect “states’ rights,” but to limit federal powers.

of M admissions system ruled unconstitutional
My take on the subject:
Why do all the supporters of Affirmative Action (race based discrimination
between individuals) refuse to talk about the individual being
discriminated against?
They can rhapsodize for hours about "compelling societal
They can predict the personality of the individual based upon the persons
Yet, for all their intelligence, they can not acknowledge the rights of
an individual over a group or a mob.
At least Rosa Parks was allowed on the bus. With this crowd, some people
are not even allowed on the bus due to racial stereotypes.
3/29/01 |
racial diversity
It's 'not a compelling state interest'
03/28/01 |
racial diversity
Ethnic benefits prove compelling
03/28/01 |
that the appeals court ruled the government (ran school in this
case) can discriminate (this year anyway -- (like temporary income
taxes?)) I figure I must of been just plane wrong to
think that the government should not discriminate. So it made me wonder, since
lighter skinned blacks discriminate against darker skinned blacks, should
not a percentage of the seats held for blacks, be reserved for the
darker skinned blacks -- just to make up for past discrimination?
04/8/01 |