
The Steel Industry in the United States was unable to match outside competition and was floundering. The response was to penalize the consumers of the outside steel in an attempt to force them to buy steel made by the floundering companies. The reasons or excuses for the flounders are numerous and varied. They had to purchase labor from a cartel that threatened them with violence if they did not comply. They did not modernize their plants to keep up with the competition. To even suggest modernizing or upgrading any massive industrial concern, one has to pass through the gauntlet of Environmental Regulators, those charging Environmental Racism, and those who are against Free Enterprise in general. The lesson to be learned here is simple, if your business is floundering, get the government to punish those who did not choose to trade with you, disguise the whole operation in the American Flag, and call the penalties tariffs.

Black leadership, the NAACP etc. wants to see floundering black owned business flourish. "We still believe that the white man's ice is colder..."  said Mel Farr Sr., president of Mel Farr Automotive Group. "Black consumers should support black-owned businesses..." said Pamela Rodgers, president and chief executive officer of Rodgers Chevrolet. The solution is simple, follow the lead of the floundering steel industry. Have the government penalize the consumers of goods and services provided by non-black businesses, call it Tariffs, or even better yet, call it Reparations!
Mark 4/29/2002