Extraordinary Eh?

Up Leskie     

On May 17th 2000 Larry Nevers was sentenced to 7 to 15 years in prison.

Off Duty cop shoots guy for walking up to his Suburban at an ATM machine!

I am sure Nevers going back to the Big House will have some people dancing in the streets.

I am sure that the shooting of Crenshaw was no big deal in the big city.

Why would Detroiters be outraged over the death of a crack head and care less about Crenshaw and the deaths of others at the hands of Detroit's Finest?

malice.jpg (73511 bytes)

Must be an hidden agenda here at work eh?

Comment from Chris:

Larry Nevers Has once again been found guilty and has been sent back to Prison. This time, he was not convicted by an all black jury. Instead Nevers was found guilty by a white majority. Also during the latest trail there were no Malcolm X films and Coleman Young is dead. So no biased jury. Nevers was found guilty and with time served will probably only be in prison for another year. That seems like a small price to pay for COLD BLOODED MURDER!!!!!

You bring up an interesting point. What's the life of a CRACKHEAD WORTH? Was Malice Greens life worth less than yours and mine? If Malice Greens life had no value because he was a crackhead, How then do you place Value on the Unborn Children who are aborted? If Malice Greens drug problem devalues his life, Why doesn't David Jaye's alcohol problem devalue his. After all, aren't they both addicts!!!! Just because you have an addiction doesn't make you a bad person. Sure maybe this guy was high on crack, But, to say that those officers had a right to crush his skull with flashlights, Thats just WRONG!!! Nobody deserves to die like Green did. Those cops acted like street THUGS and now their paying for it.


Comment from Mark:

We disagree that it was cold blooded murder.  Obviously something went wrong.  I just do not see what was in it for them to ice Malice. Malice knew the routine of getting arrested and should of corporated. Fact is that Malice had quite a run in with police in Chicago. Fact is that Malice chose not to corporate. Did he DESERVE to die. No. Never said he did. Was it too bad that he died? Yes.

I question the selective outrage. I sincerely doubt that if Nevers and Budzen would of seen the inside of a courthouse  if they were not white.  Fact is the Detroit Police go out of their way to protect their own. Look at the current media frenzy concerning police shootings.   Shoot someone in the back and it is no big deal. No Jesse Jackson. Why? Look how another Green was killed in Pontiac, by young Nat. The liberals were not upset at the murder of a black man, they were upset that Nat was being held responsible. Twelve years old and you would think he was a baby, not responsible for a thing, yet a six year old jumps in the window with no clothes on (to stop a school bus) and is a sex offender needing punishment.

Every one has a right to life, and no one should loose their life, excepting for convicted murders. I think no one did a better job of devaluing Malice's life than Malice him self.  Dave Jaye is throwing away a lot of potential. Drug addicts hurt them selves, yet I feel they should be free to reach their dreams.

Larry Nevers used bad judgment, but we weren't in his shoes, was his intent evil, I am not sure it was, would he of been better off having had shot Malice? Probably.

Two wrongs do not make a right, the whole case is a tragedy for all involved, with no winners, excepting the folks who exploited the issue to suit their agenda of hate.

Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity.


Comment from Chris:

Former Detroit police officer Larry Nevers was found guilty Tuesday of
involuntary manslaughter for the 1992 beating death of motorist Malice Green.
Nevers had previously been convicted of second-degree murder for Green's

He is still guilty!!!!! I am glad that once again he is convicted of
murdering Malice Green. Although he probably won't receive anymore prison
time, he will always have to live with the fact that 2 courts have found him
guilty of killing a man. So do you accept this courts decision or do you
still proclaim Larry Nevers is an innocent cop?

I think that there is a difference between those cops who fall into dangerous situations... and the JERKS in SWAT TEAMS, the JERKS busting johns etc. in other words the good cops are out protecting folks the bad cops are out looking for revenue!


The way Larry Nevers life is turning out it is obvious he made some horrible mistakes.

Check Larry's Mistakes:

Joining the Detroit Police Department.

Trying to fight crime in a dangerous run down area.

Stopping to investigate a car parked in front of a crack house.

Trying to question Malice.

After realizing Malice did not want to be questioned, not letting Malice go.

After realizing Malice wanted his gun, not sharing it with him.

Lowering Detroit's Census 2000

Not being of the same persuasion as King Coleman!

If Malice was "unarmed" what was holding is hands

His hands are attached to his legs

You cant fool me... Malice had arms!


Tell me more!

Who are you? Name, email or Social Security Number


Another comment from Chris

I think that Larry Nevers biggest mistake was partaking in a job that he was unfit for. Obviously if you go to work and you can't handle the job that your supposed to do, You should find a new line of work. What person in their right mind would bash a guy in the head with a 10 pound flashlight in order to force him to open up his hand? I don't think that very many cops would resort to such a violent tactic. Nevers dug 2 graves, Malice Greens and his own. Its funny how you seem to blame the system and not Larry Nevers. Nevers is a grown man who committed a violent crime of his own free will. He was used to hurting people that he came in contact with, Nevers is nothing more than a THUG, and he got exactly what he deserved.

How cool a diverse viewpoint:

I, possibly (ok so probably more on the finite order of 100%)naively, refuse to accept that lacking a skin tone similar to Coleman Young effected this situation. There must be at least one African American left in Detroit (less the Toms') who saw that slavering slug for what it was & unbiasley decisive, when evaluating the facts of the circumstance.

I will state openly the incident involved a bit of excessive physical effort. The fact however remains; Malice Green's life expired due to complications associated with drug abuse. A healthy person, while unlikely to arrive similar occasions, would have survived the incident with a few stitches & a headache.

>From my perspective; the Detroit Police Officers, regardless of my opinion for the entire element, involved held Malice's life in higher regard that he did himself.

Where in a Police Officers training manual does it state "If and or when; situations arise wherein a representative of the DPD is place in likely path of harm... all efforts must be made to protect the offending citizen from any and all possible physical, mental, and emotional trauma. To the extent the office should instead allow the citizen the full range of their personal liberties, regardless of the potential effect they might have on surrounding, not currently involved, citizens."

I believe the training in this area, which was dispensed by a wrought most departments rely on as a training bible, specifically stated: "Deadly force is morally mandated, under the following circumstances:
When an armed offender is fleeing an incident, while the adjunct present is under/has reasonable expectation an innocent civilian might become adversely effected.

The only mitigating circumstances being...
a. How long had it been since Malice had the clarity of thought to effect a grid pattern search for an innocent civilian in Detroit?
b. With Malice's progressed (as shown in evidence during the trials') physiological condition, was he capable of actually hitting what he intended to with that little pistol.
c. How in the %$)* could either of the officers suspected the advanced degradation in the physical well being of the suspect? even the characters on Star Trek "The Next Generation" don't determine that type of statistical data until after the fact... Unless of course it makes significant circumstance to the script.

It was no more & much less than an officer inadvertently discharging his sidearm, where he believed his life in imminent danger, into a juvenile with a replica toy pistol.

Further more, How dare you take comfort in the anguish of another. Regardless of the root cause of it.

Guess who.