I always get nauseated when I hear some one talk about the "Voter Turnout" As long as NO ONE IS PREVENTED FROM VOTING BY ILLEGAL OR UNWARRANTED ACTIONS BY GOVERNMENT WORKERS OR ANYONE ELSE then I say 100% of the voters had the opportunity to vote, and that is all I really care about. Frankly I am happy if some moron who does not understand the issues does not "dilute" my vote!
In my opinion anyone who detained someone to prevent them from voting should be shot!
The uninformed voter is the one most influenced by television ads, the politicians know this, so the game works like this:
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Politicians and Government workers start regulating every aspect of a business -- for the Children -- for the Birds -- for Whatever... |
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The Business then as a matter of survival -- as in not having their competition have them regulated out of existence -- have to make payoffs to both parties, not to influence social policy for social policy's sake, but as a mater of survival of the business. If you don't believe me go do some research on Ethanol... |
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The politicians take their extorted loot to buy television spots. |
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One has to ask "How does Television advertising translate into votes?" or "What kind of wack job decides who to vote for based on the Boob Tube?" or "Do some mindless souls vote based on 'name recognition'?" |
There is a relationship between Voting and Campaign Finance, but no one ever wants to talk about it, its like a dirty little secret, and the game starts with those who complain about "Low Voter Turnout" ... whose goal it is to provide more eyeballs for the Boob Tube to influence... with views of their choosing ... so they can chew on a bit of the graft the government spins off...
Want Campaign Finance reform?
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Repeal Direct election of US Senators. This will reduce the power of the Federal government, by getting back to the Constitution's original division of power. |
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A less powerful government will not be in such a position to extort people. |
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Ignore Television Campaign Ads. |
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Be happy when 100% of the Voters have the opportunity to vote if they so choose to! |
Of course people in Prison should not vote, can you imagine a millage they would not vote for? And never have to worry about paying?