Extraordinary Eh?




I was recently asked to comment on an article by Harry Brown.

There is so much I like about the Libertarian Party.

Harry Brown is Right, Federal vouchers to private schools is nothing short of Federal control of private schools, I do not see educating children as a constitutional mandate to the Federal Government.

Harry Brown is Right, Federal taxes are too high, the government workers, in the government schools, proudly "teach", that a proper use of the "Tax Code", is to modify or encourage certain behavior in the unwashed masses. (One prime Example ... Cigarette Taxes). The tax code should be set to fairly raise revenue for the constitutionally mandated obligations of the
government. How people live their own life is their own concern. (If someone wants a hot aids injection ... fine ... don't tax me for the clean up!)

Social Security. Harry Brown is WRONG on this one!

"Social Security is the greatest financial swindle ever perpetrated on the American people."

This is a difficult point to make, so slow down and work with me on this one.

When people go to, say a "Religious Faith Healer", or send money to television preachers like "Benny Hinn" (Benny tells people, out side of the US, to set their dead relatives in front of the TV with their hands on the TV, and he will see to it that God blesses them...) are these people swindled?

No people who give to TV preachers, faith healers, etc are not swindled. (They might be stupid -- but that is another discussion). I am serious. To a casual outside viewer, they may be appear to be swindled, that is, it is apparently extremely obvious that something is not right. But when one is more than a casual observer, and starts to see what is really going on, you begin to understand, that you can not rape the willing. These people have their own needs and reasons to participate, they willingly play along, and they get their own satisfaction from the deal. If you go to a magic show do you really expect to see magic, or do you get in the mood, to view illusions, that are more fun when it's called magic?

Social Security is smoke and mirrors like a magic show. Social Security is a PONZI SCHEME! Every dollar we send in to Social Security in the morning they mail out in the afternoon. No body has anything invested in Social Security. (Do not forget - PAPER DON'T CARE WHAT YOU WRITE ON IT!) There is NOTHING INVESTED. They need to collect more revenue, to make payments.

Harry Brown says the American people were swindled, I disagree, they heard dissenting voices, yet continued to vote for the politicians (TV Preachers) brand of magic, the PONZI SCHEME of Social Security. Now collectors of Social Security feel they are "OWED" something. They are owed a return on their investment, absolutely nothing, the reality is that there really is no investment, never was, never will be!

The collectors of Social Security are responsible for the bankrupt Social Security system because they elected the politicians that created it!

Harry Brown is right Social Security is a "financial swindle" he is wrong about it being "perpetrated" on the American People!  Like THE SAYING GOES "YOU CANT RAPE THE WILLING!"

George Bush is opening the door to an optional Social Security system, giving people some of their money back to invest, I SUPPORT THAT!

I think Harry Browns attack on Bush is more suited for the PRIMARY, I agree with Harry. Big government, trying to regulate every aspect of our life is a problem, The Greatest hope to those who seek to expand the government, the Gorons, is the election of Albert. The only way to defeat the Gorons, and support (well, try to at least) the Ideals of those like Harry, is to vote

Now for some fun!

Federal funds going to private schools will:

Allow more Bible study time, if that is what the schools want.

Allow the Federal Government to control what is taught.

Destroy the private schools as it has the local Government schools.


Cigarettes are useful

  When the government needs Tax Revenue.

  For maintaining the lifestyle of Tobacco farmers. 

  For maintaining the lifestyle of rebellious teenagers. 

  For buying off the Homeless to get votes for Democrats!


The Tax Code is:

Only just began to grow!

A way to modify behavior of people.

A fair attempt to raise revenue!


The Federal Insurance Contributions Act is 

  A great Idea

  A great Insurance program!

A great use of double speak - "Contributions" sound so much nicer that Taxes

A deceptive name for a deceptive program!

A great way to fund a Ponzi scheme!


Voters should not be held responsible for their votes

Of course, consider the voter who cant understand English, How can she be held responsible?


Mark, you are a few fries short of a Happy Meal, Senior Citizens deserve Social Security because:

I am proud to say that I am

I am proud to recall my email address

I hope this little page was informative.
