Extraordinary Eh?
Speaking for my self I can can not make selection understand the concept that a person making decisions is responsible for their decision.
It is like if someone makes their bed they should not should make selection have to sleep in it.
I would certainly never make selection pay credit card bills I never authorized.
Pro-Choice means the woman has no input to the the absolute make selection final decision to weather a baby is allowed to live.
Pro-Choice means that if a man has an opinion, that his baby should be allowed to live, and the mother differs, the court will help him. too bad. make selection
Women have no idea a pretty good idea make selection of what activities lead to pregnancy.
If a woman is at a risk of being inseminated against her will she should file malpractice or rape charges join a convent make selection .
The "un-empowered" is the one with out a vote or a choice! I think that with NO-Choice there should be Full Responsibility No Responsibility make selection for the un-empowered.
I think that if there was Shared-Choice there should then be no responsibility for one of the partners. shared responsibility between the partners. make selection
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The way this web thing works, You gotta tell me who you are if you care to:
Thanks for following along
January 14, 2001