Extraordinary Eh?



With the responsibility of choice goes the responsibility of the choice.


The question here is not a moral one, but a legal one. Yes, I believe men have a moral obligation to support their children. Yes, I believe women have a moral obligation not to have their children murdered for reasons of fancy / lifestyle.
Laws that permit abortion on demand, are not based on morals, but the absence of morals. That is in this age of "Diversity" it is improper for the government to reflect a code of morals in the law, because the big question then becomes  "Whose morals?" and "Whose to say who's morals are correct?" Look how the Unions / Liberals / Homosexuals are fighting the Boy Scouts for daring to have morals, in this age of diversity.
Sometimes it pays to be careful what you ask for, because if you get it - you might not like it. Kind of like making a deal with the devil.
Legally speaking, if one is a decision-maker, one is then responsible for the consequences. If one decides to purchase a new car, one can not put down the neighbor's name on the contract, to be on the hook for the payments. It would be known as fraud.
Legally, under the law, a woman or even a young lady, can have a baby developing inside of her, murdered, with out the consent of the father or husband or the parents of a minor. This is what Pro-Choice is. A woman's body - A woman's choice what to do with it. OK... Fine... I give up... Go ahead; kill the child if you choose! It is your choice. But with choice - remember goes responsibility.
With the responsibility of choice goes the responsibility of the choice. A man has no responsibility or standing, in the decision making process under the law, (Not morally - I am not talking about morals here.) and therefore should be under no legal obligation for the results of a decision he had no legal voice in.
Would an intelligent person walk around saying, "My choice, not my responsibility!"
If a woman, willingly decides to participate in certain activities, such as being treated in a fertility clinic or being inseminated by a man, fully aware that in the past these activities have been linked to a woman being in a condition known as "with child", then it could be said that a woman is responsible for her, willingly made, fully aware of, decision, to engage in such activities.
"The Family" is now a legal meaningless joke. The family is replaced by the State. The laws of the State supercede the laws of the family. The State has more authority over a child than the parents. Look at how home schooling parents are treated as criminals by the State. "We'll let you home school if you do this and that..." Let? Where does the State get off at that? Because the State is the parents in this New Age Village!
The State of Michigan threw its unlimited resources at prosecuting a Mother who dared to slap her insolent teenage daughter. The point was to send a message to children, that the State really is the boss.
As the government destroys families with its "welfare schemes", it's re-defining of marriage as a "Civil Union", it's taking of parental authority, it's insistence of muting the voices of fathers or husbands or parents of minors - on weather a child is even allowed to live... then the government says fathers have a responsibility to support their children. Where in the hell did they get their religion from all of a sudden? What a crock. The notion that a father has a responsibility for his children is merely a quaint moral question. Child support laws are based on out-of-fashion morals, that is a morality that has no room in today's diverse new age. The state, not a sperm donor, is the legal father of the family village. Abortion laws forbid the family from participating in what is a woman's choice. End forced child support payments, because fathers have no say in if a child is allowed to develop, let women be free to factor that in their "Choice". I say it is time to pay the devil.



Speaking for my self I understand the concept that a person making decisions is responsible for their decision.

It is like if someone makes their bed they have to sleep in it.

I would pay credit card bills I never authorized.

Pro-Choice means the woman has final decision to weather a baby is allowed to live.

Pro-Choice means that if a man has an opinion, that his baby should be allowed to live, and the mother differs,

Women have of what activities lead to pregnancy.

If a woman is at a risk of being inseminated against her will she should .

The "un-empowered" is the one with out a vote or a choice! I think that with NO-Choice there should be for the un-empowered.

I think that if there was Shared-Choice there should then be

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January 14, 2001